I give the heart for people who I thought they need it. I show the love to the person who I believe having an empty heart. First, they accept it. But, They see it as worthless, cheap, nonsense, and useless. At the end, Some of them would keep it, but they don’t give anything back to me, Instead, there also some of them who then left me with the bitterness. Some of them doesn’t even interest at all, they throw it as if it was a garbage. There are also some of them who pierce swords into the hollow heart, and crushed the love I had tried to give. None of them even give it back nicely. I have nothing left, Only the black hollow vessel, with the broken heart. I cried, But no one cares. Some people said for Love is something more powerful and loveable than money, sexy, careers, Etc. But, The reality is different. Every people those I tried to give it, They instead call me Cheap, Poor, Ugly, Weak, Useless, Nonsense, Bullshit, Worthless, Lazy, D...