
Showing posts from February, 2021


============================================ Free Healing Consultation or Reading with my Spirit Guides:  E-mail : available language: English/Indonesia  facebook group : @ SpiritGuidesHealingConsultation free unpaid advertisement:  Doreen Virtue (Oracle decks)  ========================================= >>> (Check out for your  Guardian Angel)   

Me and Friends from God

  ============================================ Free Healing Consultation or Reading with my Spirit Guides:  E-mail : available language: English/Indonesia  free unpaid advertisement:  Doreen Virtue (Oracle decks)  ========================================= >>> (Check out for your  Guardian Angel) 

Be Proud of Being Kind and Genuine

  I give the heart for people who I thought they need it. I show the love to the person who I believe having an empty heart. First, they accept it. But, They see it as worthless, cheap, nonsense, and useless. At the end, Some of them would keep it, but they don’t give anything back to me, Instead, there also some of them who then left me with the bitterness. Some of them doesn’t even interest at all, they throw it as if it was a garbage. There are also some of them who pierce swords into the hollow heart, and crushed the love I had tried to give. None of them even give it back nicely. I have nothing left, Only the black hollow vessel, with the broken heart. I cried, But no one cares. Some people said for Love is something more powerful and loveable than money, sexy, careers, Etc. But, The reality is different. Every people those I tried to give it, They instead call me Cheap, Poor, Ugly, Weak, Useless, Nonsense, Bullshit, Worthless, Lazy, D...

For some people, love is a fool and weakness.

  Some people love to talk about world achievements, such as: Money, career, title, property, status, Etc. Some people love to have a big talk about themselves and others, Some love to make the community as the place for competitions, Family become a community where parents compete with other parents, Cousins compete with cousins. Everyone competes for “The Chair of Honor and Pride.” Some people love to take other’s wheat for their own granary, and left the one’s empty with nothing, and left the emptiness and hollow for the one. Some people become welcome and warm for people with power, title, and source to survive, but cold to the one who gave all to them. As if people are a tool that could be replace by other, once they found the better one. Some people understand sharing as the duty of the souls, sharing with the one who have nothing. They share with those who have nothing physically, but not with the spiritually. They share money, but not love. They share ...

Pesan Cinta Tuhan Yesus

                    Picture Source: Loving Words from Jesus – by Doreen Virtue             Saudara-saudariKu yang terkasih, puji dan syukur kiranya saya boleh menyampaikan pesan suka cita kepadamu semua. Kiranya melalui perantara tulisan ini, ketahuilah aku wartakan padamu saudara-saudariKu yang terkasih, terutama kepada yang dalam sakit, menderita, putus asa, malu, tertekan, rendah diri, dan yang dalam kehidupan yang serba penuh ketakutan dan kecemasan, bahwa sesungguhnya kerajaan Allah telah dating kepadamu. Carilah, ketuklah, dan mintalah kepadaNya yang ada didalam Aku, sebab Aku ada didalam Dia. Janganlah takut dan cemas dengan apapun kondisimu, sebab sekalipun kamu berpikir atau merasa tidak layak menghadap ataupun mengundang Aku kedalam hatimu, sesungguhnya Aku sangat merindukan panggilanmu yang memohon pertolongan, kesembuhan, dan pembebasan. Kiranya, bila kamu merasa bersalah oleh kar...

Invitation From God! :3

  When I Feel Alone… When I feel no one understand me, No one appreciate my opinion, When people keep forcing me to hide my truth… When people always harshly reject my believe and faith, I depressed, insecure, disappoint, alone, and always wrong. Every time I try to defend myself, people keep throwing rock into me, They keep seeing me as a weird and freak. They shout to me for I begone, My family and friends ask me to stop be the truth. Silent! Quiet! People will hate you if you show your differences. They tied me, they control me, I was prisoned. I turn to hate myself for being different, I hate it! I hate it so much! I curse my life, My existence, I wish I never be born. I wish I die. I’m alone in this world. I am an ugly duckling. No one accept me. I hate God, I don’t believe Angels, I don’t even believe they are exist. ======================== Thought I was right… But turns out, I was a foolish… They are exist. They are with me, But, I was so blind and deaf to know Them. I am l...