Invitation From God! :3


When I Feel Alone…

When I feel no one understand me,

No one appreciate my opinion,

When people keep forcing me to hide my truth…

When people always harshly reject my believe and faith,

I depressed, insecure, disappoint, alone, and always wrong.

Every time I try to defend myself, people keep throwing rock into me,

They keep seeing me as a weird and freak.

They shout to me for I begone,

My family and friends ask me to stop be the truth.



People will hate you if you show your differences.

They tied me, they control me, I was prisoned.

I turn to hate myself for being different,

I hate it!

I hate it so much!

I curse my life,

My existence,

I wish I never be born.

I wish I die.

I’m alone in this world.

I am an ugly duckling.

No one accept me.

I hate God,

I don’t believe Angels,

I don’t even believe they are exist.


Thought I was right…

But turns out,

I was a foolish…

They are exist.

They are with me,


I was so blind and deaf to know Them.

I am longing for a family,

For a friend

Who understand me,

Who support my differences,

I am so desperate for that unconditional love.

In this society,

Normal rules didn’t apply,

I was forced to hide it.


In my long longing,


Through His beloved children and Angels

Comes and invites me to accept His offering for I the unworthy one,

Become His family, and He also offer me the Angels as my friends.

I may not able see them through my visible eyes, nor hear them through my visible ears.

But, Inside my heart I feel no more loneliness, nor fear for being alone or weird.

I am no longer alone,

I am so grateful for my new Father in Heaven,

For My Brother Jesus,

For My Mother, Holy Mary,

And For my best friends are Angels.

It is my biggest luck in my life.

As this is also my joy to share you all of my brothers and sisters.

Come and seek our Father in Heaven,

He is our truly beloved papa,

He loves us unconditionally,

Also, our beloved big brother, Jesus,

And Mother Mary,

They are the perfect ideal family, for us who longing for True Love Family.

Believe that our Father in Heaven also, will and truly keep His promise for send us in the name of Jesus,

Holy Spirits and the Angels to be our Helpful friendly Best Friends.

When you feel your family don’t love you for who you truly are,

Or even your friends,

Your spouse,

In this world,

Make you feel alone.

You are our family,

Because, remember!

Our truly family and friends are in Heaven, who are waiting for us to come and indulge to Them.  

Who are always waiting us for Them to love us, and spoil us for eternal.

Would you accept His invitation?

He wants you.

I accepted Him,

Will you?



“The trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops; the people will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them. They will no longer be plundered by the nations, nor will wild animals devour them. They will live in safety, and no one will make them afraid. I will provide for them a land renowned for its crops, and they will no longer be victims of famine in the land or bear the scorn of the nations. Then they will know that I, the Lord their God, am with them and that they, the Israelites, are my people, declares the Sovereign Lord. You are my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, and I am your God, declares the Sovereign Lord.’ (Ezekiel 34:27-31)


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========================================= >>> (Check out for your Guardian Angel) 


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