For some people, love is a fool and weakness.
Some people love to talk about world achievements, such as:
Money, career, title, property, status, Etc.
Some people love to have a big talk about themselves and
Some love to make the community as the place for
Family become a community where parents compete with other
Cousins compete with cousins.
Everyone competes for “The Chair of Honor and Pride.”
Some people love to take other’s wheat for their own granary,
and left the one’s empty with nothing, and left the emptiness and hollow for
the one.
Some people become welcome and warm for people with power,
title, and source to survive, but cold to the one who gave all to them. As if
people are a tool that could be replace by other, once they found the better
Some people understand
sharing as the duty of the souls, sharing with the one who have nothing.
They share with those who have nothing
physically, but not with the spiritually.
They share money, but not love.
They share foods, but not knowledge.
They share water, but not peace.
They share support, but not freedom.
They share healthy tips, but not wisdom.
They share kindness, but not generosity.
Some people teach about sharing prosperity such as money.
But not compassion, joys, peace, patient, generosity, kindness,
loyal, comfort, and self-control.
Some people teach about religion, but not tolerance,
forgiveness, acceptance, freedom, healing, and self-respect. They tell people to
fear God, not to Love Him. They tell people for God is easy to punish the
sinners, but actually, God is unconditional love for all even the big sinners. They
tell people God hates us who are blind, deaf, poor, lesbian, gay, having decease,
supranatural, and having mental issues. But actually, God compassion and He
calls us to come and receive His unconditional loves. They teach to pray with
long words, but even His Holy Son, Jesus Himself taught to pray with simple, to
the point, and faithful pray.
Some people love the one with the light of gold, but hate the
light of love.
Some people love the one with the fragrance of prosperity,
but not the fragrance of peace.
Some people love the sounds of coins, but not the sounds of
For some people, sharing money for unconditional generosity
is a lame, but sharing is for fame is cool.
For some people, teaching for sharing knowledge is a loss,
but teaching for pride is an advantage.
For some people, being smart for helping the other who left
behind is wrong, but being smart for gaining compliments is right.
for them love is a fool
1 Cor 1:18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are being perishing.”
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