Be Proud of Being Kind and Genuine
I give the heart
for people who I thought they need it.
I show the love to
the person who I believe having an empty heart.
First, they accept
They see it as
worthless, cheap, nonsense, and useless.
At the end,
Some of them would
keep it, but they don’t give anything back to me,
Instead, there
also some of them who then left me with the bitterness.
Some of them doesn’t
even interest at all, they throw it as if it was a garbage.
There are also
some of them who pierce swords into the hollow heart, and crushed the love I had
tried to give.
None of them even
give it back nicely.
I have nothing
Only the black
hollow vessel, with the broken heart.
I cried,
But no one cares.
Some people said
for Love is something more powerful and loveable than money, sexy, careers,
The reality is
Every people those
I tried to give it,
They instead call
Cheap, Poor, Ugly,
Weak, Useless, Nonsense, Bullshit, Worthless, Lazy, Disappointment, Etc.
They even called
me a hypocrite.
They even demand
the material result to prove its power.
Or they will not
believe it, forever.
I never understand
why these people hate me?
Why they treat me
I tried give them
honey, but they gave me back a poison.
I hate myself.
Why shouldn’t I be
born as a rich, sexy, career-woman/man, high education status woman/man?
Why the only thing
I rich is this useless “loving heart?”
I want to kill myself.
They are right, I
am weak, loser, cheap, heartless, and a disappointment.
Why should I live?
I am ugly.
I am the worst.
Everyone hates me.
God/ Jesus:
Dear my beloved child,
Every time you
share your heart to other brothers and sisters,
I hope you would
share some with me too.
But you give all
to only one or some of them.
You even forget
about yourself.
It’s a grieve to
see them threw your most valuable treasure,
That I see it as
the finest offer for Me and your other brothers and sisters, out there.
Dear child/brother/sister,
Come to me, and
please exchange with me your broken or even the hollow heart for the new and
full one.
For it is free,
eternal, and always available for you.
Come and allow Me
to wipe your tears, and give you joys.
Come and allow me
to heal the wounds, and give you the recovery.
I saw, see, and
always see your kindness to people who wasted your lovely gifts of:
Love, compassion,
trust, dreams, forgiveness, comfort, support, Etc.
Dear child/ brother/sister,
Not every man
really understands the value of the pure heart.
For them, they don’t even know about it.
It’s not you or
their fault.
No one’s fault.
If you want to
see, you could see for their heart vessel also empty and even hollow.
They don’t understand
not because they are evil, or cruel.
It’s for them don’t
know, don’t understand, hurt, grieve, or even afraid.
Believe me,
To loving and giving
the heart sincerely isn’t a weakness.
Instead, it is
your strength.
The merciful
inside you is also your greatness,
Do not give up on
the power of compassion, love, sincere, forgiveness, sharing, kindness, fairness,
honest, faith, hope, and loyal.
Allow these be
your source of strength, power, and life.
Because I am the
unconditional love Himself.
Come and learn
from Me to use the power.
Every time people
throw your genuine love,
Come to Me, find Me
in pray and in the heart, because I always have the new love for you.
Come and share
your heart with Me.
Allow yourself to
forgive them who wasted your kindness, and pray for them.
Free yourself from
the grieve, grudge, bitterness, hatred, anger, insecurities, and all negativities
those block and tie you from your freedom and blessings.
that the solution of injustice is not another injustice, but justice.
The solution of darkness
is not another darkness, but light.
The solution of flame
is not another flame, but water.
Matt 11:28 come to
me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matt 7:6 Do not
give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may
trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Luke 6:27-28 Love
your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray
for those who mistreat you.
Being nice, kind,
compassion, merciful, genuine, generous, courage, humble, self-control, and truth
Are not a weakness
but strength!
You should be
proud for having the heart of Spirit of God.
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