When People Try To Shut You Down For Trying To be Different



Message from God through Archangel Raguel in Angel Oasis:

“Don’t worry about being like everyone else. You have a very special purpose and there is no one else who can replace the one of a kind gifts you bring to others. Trying too much to conform to the standards isn’t for the best because you are meant to be a channel of love, which can at times not be the focus of the world. By being different, you inspire others to live their life from the heart. This authentic way of living breaks down the patterns that confine the soul. As you liberate your own soul, leading others to do the same, more space for divine light is created on Earth." 


People may try hard to shut your light, for them it’s a shame to be different of pursuit your life purpose of create something through love and passion, to share:
















For these are stupid for them who choose to follow the road of money and material fames.

Don’t let them shut down your shine for anyone, Let it even brighter for God and for your heart, Which it will be your fuel of spirits to find your own reflection. Be Truth, Brave, Loyal, Strong, Kind, Courage. Never ever let anyone tell you for be same as others and throw away yourself. For denying your true image of the Love Creation. You are the Love, because God I our Creator Himself is the Purest Love.  


Thank you God,

Thank you Jesus,  

Thank you Holy Spirits,

Thank you Mother Mary,

Thank you All Archangels,

Thank you Archangel Raguel,

Thank you Angel Oasis,


Free Healing Consultation or Reading with my Spirit Guides:

 E-mail : mc.maria.christina23@gmail.com

available language: English/Indonesia 

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https://angeloasis.com >>> (Check out for your Guardian Angel) 


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