When you are thinking you are the burden of all burdens


Picture Source: Loving Words from Jesus – by Doreen Virtue

Praying with prayer card might be a good choice for devotions,

But, shouldn’t we better talk to God by pour all of our heart content, sincerely?

Even thou we are sad, angry, grieve, grudge, or even made sins?

By speak honest and sincerely allow us to connect with His unconditional Love so closer.

We might hesitate for talk so openly mind and heart, also emotionally to our Father in Heaven,

We might afraid of say something offend Him,

but, doesn’t we have our Greatest Brother and Teacher who will always love to listen us for all of our honesty with unconditional love?

Don’t we have our Holy Mother in Heaven who always love and pray for us unconditionally?

We also have so many Angels and Holy Spirits as our Best Friends who are will always love to help us to speak behalf us to our Father so our prayer will achieve His Holy place according what is proper for Him?

  We may pray perfectly proper to our Father in Heaven by card or text,

But, is that really what Our Holy Father really miss from us?

Something makes His Love and us grow apart, for us always hesitate to speak openly and honest to Him?

Don’t we actually longing for our heartache, difficulties, sadness, grieve, complains, sorry, and all things be heard by Him who always wanting and waiting for us to asking His love and loving hug for us to cry as children who miss His embrace and comfort?

Even our Holy Brother, Holy Mother, and Holy Spirits also miss us to cry in their embraces, and tell them every single thing those really hurt and makes us hopeless and grieve.

I believe for Them as our Holy Beloved Family who will and always will loving us who miss and longing them, For They are our truly beloved family who will and always will pray, watch, guide, protect, guard, forgive, and give us the comfort, peace, courage, faith, spirit, calming, soothing, hug, love, blessings, and so much thing we will be so grateful for all of Their unlimited love giving.

We might struggle for money and surviving matters in this flesh world, but don’t you even tire and longing for someone to embrace and tell you for “Everything will be fine My dear child,” “I trust you My child,” “let your soul rest for peace that I will give you, which will make you feel peace and have a faith for I already, I am, and always will protect, guide, feed, and never let you feel alone or fear of insufficient needs.”  

Stop to destructing your body from destructing habits such as drunkenness, drugs, free sex, or even cutting yourself, stop for feeling hopeless or useless, stop feeling unworthy or even think of better to die, for people or a voice tells you that you are the matter of the matters. Stop believing for the voice tells you to come with them in the death realm for them will free you from hurt and pain. Stop letting yourself to gain the injustice solution by going to the dark road, you know you deserve happy.

Pray to God for it, pour all of your heart contain, let He the Love embraces you and let all of your frustration tears and longing for someone to protect and comfort you flowing as storm. Don’t hold it.

Let the storm in you heart happened and let it pour all of it to Him alone. Go to inside a silent and dark room, let it out sincerely and honest full open heart and mind. Tell Him all your sad, anger, worries, fears, insecurities, depressions, and everything. Then trust for He heard and will lead you to the justice that you deserve.

But! Believe you are by His guidance through Holy Spirits will guide you, allow yourself to receive and be patient by start emptying yourself from grudge and let go everything and everyone those gave you the wounds, let yourself be filled by new energy of unconditional love, believe He who is the Unconditional Love will proud and love you. Let yourself empty from negative emotions and energies, then be filled by love and positive emotion and energies for you able to sail to the new island, the promise island in your life. Where there will be the justice for yourself, do not allow yourself to wanting the justice through the bad Karma for the enemies, but focus to gain loves and only be more closer to The Eternal Love and Happiness Himself.

                Don’t close your power of unconditional love, because people who loves to downgrade and giving you the fake believe of you as the loser or weak for being merciful, honest, loyal, humble, trusting, sincere, compassion, kind, courage, faithful, giving, and all things. Instead, forgive them for they are not themselves. Believe it! There’s no man from God creations is evil by him/herself. Because He is the creator of love. But the creator of the evil and grudge himself is the one who love to corrupted human for them to destroy us as grudge to our Father in Heaven.

                So, Do you know why you must face so much haters?
Not because you are unworthy or weak, or whatever they like to address you to put you down, for their wish is for you to turn of the power in you as the love beings and be far from the Absolute Source of Love, for you to turn around Him, and join him in the road of hedonistic which lead you to flesh and material ambition road, which it may gives you the flesh pleasure, but it push you more into the road of fear of emptiness, and don’t even think of if you allow yourself to follow his lead to this road or even worship him, you’ll be safe and happy till the End.

                Remember, they are not the Love, they don’t know love or even compassion, The only thing they know is to grudge and destroy every kind of our Father in Heaven’s creations. Even you die as a flesh and be a soul that live with him, he will destroy you. But! Since only the Creator who able to erase and delete us for surely until our soul and spirit itself, which is only God in Heaven who able to erase us completely, the evil himself are not the creator of us, humans and spirits. So the only thing he will do to us is suffer us but it’s eternally.              

                So brother and sisters whatever you are facing now, I really wish for you to keep on faith in God, if you ever wonder where is He, or Even He is exist or not. Ask Him, Find Him! Through the honest and sincere pray and wish for love, freedom, comfort, light, protection, guidance, peace, truth, compassion, mercy, hope, faith, humble, wisdom, healing, courage, and gentleness. Ask Him for you to be taught for the truth of unconditional love, because that’s how you will gain your strength and power to stand up firmly.


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available language: English/Indonesia 

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